domingo, 19 de setembro de 2010

What is a wine cellar? - Tradutor de inglês

É muito importante possuir uma boa adega para a conservação de vinhos pois flutuações de temperatura, calor, pouca umidade, e a luz podem deteriorar a qualidade do vinho em pouco tempo. Assim aqui vão algumas dicas de como montar uma boa adega e ao mesmo tempo vc praticar seu inglês! Good luck!

A wine cellar is a room, or in some cases cabinet, meant to store and protect wine. It can vary in size, cost, and effectiveness. In recent years a number of affordable options have appeared on the market, allowing even casual consumers of wine the ability to store their wine.

Intended to protect the wine, a wine cellar can guard against the three traditional enemies of wine in bottle: heat, dryness, and light. A good wine cellar keeps the wine at a fairly low temperature, with a decent amount of humidity, and in relative darkness. In addition, a good wine cellar protects against any drastic fluctuations in temperature or humidity, which can damage the wine very quickly.

The term wine cellar is often used to describe anywhere meant to protect wine for a prolonged period of time, but should strictly refer to an actual below-ground cellar. A wine cellar that is above ground is more properly called a wine room, and the smaller wine fridges many people use in their homes are wine closets.

Within the scope of an actual wine cellar, there are two main types: passive cellars and active cellars. A passive wine cellar would be found somewhere that is naturally cool and humid, and which also doesn't change wildly depending on the season. Deep natural caves are often used as passive wine cellars, but man-made earthen cellars can also function well in the right environment.

Active wine cellars make use of insulation, monitoring and cooling systems, artificial humidifiers, and seals. These cellars can be very costly, depending on their size, but allow for more dynamic construction. They may also be a more ideal form of protection for valuable wines.

A wine room or home wine cellar can be constructed either by a specialized company, or in a do-it-yourself fashion. Many people find that they can convert a spare closet into a functional wine cellar without spending too much money or time. The most important thing is simply to keep the wine cool, and at a steady temperature. Ideally, wine will be kept at somewhere around 50° F (10° C), with no more than a few degrees variation year-round.

Many companies now also offer small electric wine cellars, which are really wine closets or wine refrigerators. These come in many different sizes, and at a number of different price points. The smallest hold only a few bottles, while larger stand-alones may hold more than 100 bottles. The cheaper standup wine cellars regulate only the temperature of the wines, with some having two different "zones," one for red and one for white. More expensive standup wine cellars keep the wines at a constant humidity as well, which may or may not help protect natural corks from drying out and damaging the wine.

Some companies will also come to your house and convert a closet or spare room into your very own wine cellar. They install added insulation, temperature monitors, and some type of humidifier. Many consumers find that these conversions can be surprisingly affordable.

One other alternative to a traditional wine cellar exists for those who want to protect their wines, but don't want to invest in digging out their own cellar or finding a natural cave. Many self-storage facilities offer temperature- and humidity-controlled environments for a monthly price. This can be a surprisingly effective way to keep a large number of wines protected for years on end, although it is a good idea to make sure the temperature range is truly stable, and ideally to find a unit that offers some sort of insurance for the goods that you store there.

segunda-feira, 6 de setembro de 2010

crianças com dificuldades de aprendizagem - tradutor de inglês

What Is a Learning Disability?

Crianças com dificuldades de aprendizagem demoram mais para aprender a ler e a escrever e demais funções também são afetadas como a fala, memorização e a organização de informações. Este problema é difícil de ser identificado quando a criança ainda é muito pequena mas a partir dos 7 anos já se torna bem evidente seu diagnostico. Os pais devem procurar informações e discutir este problema com os professores e os profissionais da saúde para que busquem ajuda e auxiliem as crianças a superar estas dificuldades. Segue mais um texto informativo em inglês sobre o tema, bom estudo e good luck!

A learning disability is any of a number of conditions that make the process of learning difficult because of the way the brain processes information. In most people with a learning disability, it becomes recognizable sometime during the early years of school. A learning disability does affect the way a person learns, but it does not mean he or she cannot learn.
There are numerous types of learning disabilities that may affect speech, reading, writing, memorization, organization of information, and even motor skills. Many people with a learning disability may have difficulty focusing or remembering what they have read or heard. The impact on these areas of learning can make school frustrating for children and can even make work difficult for adults who have not learned to manage a learning disability.

The brain processes information in pieces in different sections and transmits processed information to other parts of the brain. A person with a learning disability has a brain that either processes or transmits information differently than the average, or "normal" brain. Brain function can cause a person with a learning disability to have difficulty processing or transmitting written, verbal, or auditory information in the standard way others are used to.
Public schools estimate that roughly 10% of students have some type of learning disability. In contrast to students whose school performance is poor based on demographics, economics, or cultural influence, a learning disability is not caused by environment, but is a neurobiological disorder. In most places, students who are affected by a learning disability are entitled to certain considerations and rights by law in order to improve their experience in school and receive an equal opportunity for education.
A learning disability is typically diagnosed through a series of cognitive tests administered by a specialist, such as a psychologist, therapist, or other medical professional. Early detection and intervention by parents, medical professionals, and school personnel greatly improve a child's chances of learning success. A person with a learning disability simply learns differently and once their learning abilities and limitations are understood, it is easier for the student and teacher to engage in the learning process.
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It can be difficult to identify a learning disability in young children because many parts of their brain are still developing and just beginning to engage in certain processes, but by age 7 or so it becomes easier to detect. If a child is struggling in school because of difficulty concentrating, problems writing, difficulty understanding written material, or similar problems, his or her parents should talk to the child's teachers and pediatrician. These professionals will be able to refer the parent to specialists who can diagnose and work with the child to overcome his or her difficulties.

quarta-feira, 1 de setembro de 2010

Por que a lua aparece de dia? - tradutor de inglês

Muitas vezes vemos a lua durante o dia, muito branca no céu, o planeta Venus também pode ser visto durante o dia. Mas seu brilho é bem inferior ao da lua, por isso devemos saber para onde olhar para podermos observá-lo. A lua estando mais perto da terra é mais fácil de ser observada. Nesta época do ano (setembro) Venus esta um pouco deslocado do sol mais ou menos 15 graus adiantado, olhando para este local poder ser visto durante o dia, das 10 da manhã as 10 da noite, vale a pena tentar. Aprenda mais sobre a lua e seu brilho com este texto em inglês, alem de ser informativo serve p/ vc ir praticando seu aprendizado deste idioma tão importante. Good luck!

Why does the Moon sometimes come out during the day?

You can see the Moon in the daytime because it is big and brightly lit by the Sun. The surface of the Moon is about as reflective as an asphalt road--rather dark but not totally black. When you look at the Moon, you are seeing the light which reflects off it. This is not nearly as bright as the Sun, but it is up to 100,000 times as bright as the brightest nighttime star.
During the day, the brightness of the sky washes out the light from the stars: a region of the sky including a bright star is only very slightly brighter than a region of the sky without a bright star, so your eye cannot notice the difference. However, the region of the sky containing the Moon is much brighter, so you can see it. You can also sometimes see Venus during the day if the conditions are right and you know exactly where to look, but anything dimmer is lost.
It might be useful to think of the Sun as a large light bulb, and the moon as a large mirror. There are situations where we can't see the light bulb, but we can see the light from the bulb reflected in the mirror. This is the situation when the moon is out at night. We can't see the Sun directly because the earth is blocking our view of it, but we can see its light reflected from the moon. However, there are also situations where we can see both the light bulb and the mirror, and this is what is happening when we see the moon during the day. You can explore this for yourself with a light and a hand mirror. Depending on which way you face (away from the light or sideways to the light) you can see either just the mirror, or both the light and the mirror.