segunda-feira, 14 de setembro de 2009

Como reconhecer uma nota verdadeira? - Tradutor de inglês

Hoje em dia há muito dinheiro falso em circulação principalmente pela facilidade tecnológica que muitos falsificadores não pensam 2 vezes em falsificar dinheiro. Há muitos dispositivos de segurança nas notas que vc pode identificar como a marca d´água, microfilme, a cor que muda da nota sob a luz negra, etc. Em 1996 o dólar tambem começou a adotar vários dispositivos de segurança para diminuir sua falsificação em todo mundo, já que esta moeda é amplamente empregada! Segue abaixo o texto original em inglês. bons estudos!

How Do I Spot Fake Money?

Counterfeiting, or the production of fake money, has been a problem virtually since the first currencies appeared in the world. In the ancient world, base metals would be combined with more valuable silver and gold in order to cheat people, or the edges of valuable coins would be shaved off to reclaim some of the precious metal. In the modern world, a host of innovations on the parts of governments have been implemented to try to put a stop to the production and use of fake money, but as quickly as security features are implemented, counterfeiters set to work coming up with ways to circumvent them.

Spotting fake money that is made by a expert counterfeiter can be virtually impossible for the average person. Luckily, the majority of fake money in circulation is of a relatively poor quality, and can be caught by using some of the safeguards implemented by governments. Each government has different security measures in place to help citizens detect fake money. As an example, there are a number of ways to recognize fake US currency.

The United States was historically fairly behind the times in terms of anti-counterfeiting measures, after originally designing a strong currency. Throughout the 1980s, many European countries adopted a slew of anti-counterfeiting devices in their currency, while the United States did not change much. This all began to change in the mid-1990s, as a series of new tactics was unveiled.

In 1996, the $100 US Dollar (USD) bill was the first to be redesigned. In 1997 the $50 USD bill followed suit. Next came the $20 USD bill in 1998, then the $10 USD and $5 USD bills in 2000. In 2003 the $20 USD bill once again changed, in 2004 the $50 USD bill changed again, in 2006 the $10 USD bill changed again, and in 2008 the $5 USD bill changed again. Each of these changes was accompanied not only by superficial changes to the design, but by a host of modern security procedures.

First and foremost, look at the money you’re holding to see if it is crisp and clear, or if it is at all blurred. Modern bills are incredibly sharp, and have a vivid, lifelike depth to them. The portraits should appear clean, the borders should have no smudging, the serial numbers should be evenly spaced, and the seals should have sharp points on the teeth. Next, examine the color of the paper, as real US currency has small threads of red and blue running through the paper, not simply printed on top of the paper.

Another thing you want to check for when looking for fake money is the feel of the currency itself. If you’re not paying attention, you may not notice the difference, but if you focus on it, you can often tell the difference between fake money and real money just by the lesser quality paper, and the lack of slightly raised ink. In fact, the feel is such an excellent way to detect fake money that the government has not changed the feel of the paper, even through all of the other changes, so that the intuitive sense people have from decades of handling bills can still guide them true.

All bills other than the $1 USD and $2 USD bill have a security thread embedded in them, and if you hold one up to the light you can read it. It should say USA, followed by the denomination of the bill, which can help you identify fake money that has had its denomination switched. Each bill also has a watermark on it, with the same face that is on the bill itself. In a black light, bills will also glow a distinctive color: blue for $5 USD bills, orange for $10 USD bills, green for $20 USD bills, yellow for $50 USD bills, and red for $100 USD bills.

Desconto especial e novo preço das traduções - Tradutor de Inglês

O preço da tradução agora é só R$4,50 - Tradutor de inglês Técnico
Aproveitando agora a época das Férias, estou reduzindo o preço das traduções de inglês para português, o preço agora é de apenas R$4,50. Se vc possuir 10 páginas para traduzir inglês>português, o preço será de 45 reais. O preço da tradução de português para inglês é de apenas R$9,50, se vc tiver 10 páginas para traduzir português> inglês, o preço será de 95 reais. Este preço é imbatível, esta bem abaixo de qualquer tabela oficial do mercado de tradução. Se vc precisar de tradução técnica de inglês. Entre em contato antes comigo para que vc tenha um trabalho rápido, eficiente e de qualidade e por um preço bem acessivel que não vai pesar no seu bolso. Lembrando sempre que estou no mercado de traduções desde 1990! Obrigado!

tradução de inglês técnico
tradução de inglês -technical english translator -
sou TRADUTOR DE INGLÊS ou para todas as áreas universitárias inglês/português - português/inglês. também espanhol/português e espanhol/inglês. Orçamento a combinar -Maiores informações ligue: (35) 9945-8512
SKYPE: celinomenezes

especialista em textos de medicina, com vários trabalhos publicados no exterior (área de parasitologia) - criptosporidium e giardia). desde 1992
além de medicina também atuo nas áreas de eletrônica, eletricidade, engenharia, etc
Atualmente estou cobrando R$4,50 (4 reais e cinquenta centavos) a página a ser traduzida do inglês para o português e R$9,50(nove reais e cinquenta centavos) do português para o inglês. Por exemplo, se vc tiver 10 páginas para traduzir (10 x R$4,50 = R$45,00) OK. Estou no mercado de traduções técnicas desde 1990 e atualmente estou atingindo a incrível marca de 20 mil páginas traduzidas. Maiores informações entre em contato comigo. Obrigado.

quinta-feira, 3 de setembro de 2009

Os meses do ano, por que são assim? - Tradutor de Inglês

Já parou p/ pensar porque os meses têm dias diferentes? O que há por tras da historia do calendário romano, Juliano e o Gregoriano? Lendas a parte sobre os meses batizados mais tarde de júlio e agosto em homenagem a Julius caesar e Augustus Caesar, os quais possuem exatamente o mesmo número de dias, apresento p/ vcs após esta breve introdução o texto original em inglês sobre as origens do nosso calendário.

Why Are the Number of Days in a Month Not Equal?

When looking at a calendar, one of the first thing that springs forth is the oddity that each month has a seemingly random amount of days. Why are the number of days in a month not equal? And why are they distributed the way they are? To answer that question, we have to look a bit at the history of the modern calendar

Our calendar, the Gregorian calendar, is a reformed version of the Julian calendar. The Julian calendar, in turn, was a reformed version of the Roman calendar. It was during the reign of Julius Caesar that the calendar was realigned drastically, to make it function somewhat more seamlessly.

Before the Julian reform, the number of days in a month was as follows: Ianuarius was 29 days, Februarius was 28 days, Martius was 31 days, Aprilis was 29 days, Maius was 31 days, Iunius was 29 days, Quintilis was 31 days, Sextilis was 29 days, September was 29 days, October was 31 days, November was 29 days, December was 29 days, and there was an Intercalaris month which was 27 days long.

In the new Julian calendar, the Intercalaris month was abolished entirely, and the number of days in a month changed for the shorter months. Those months which already had a length of 31 days remained the same, while Ianuarius, Sextilis, and December each gained two days, and Aprilis, Iunius, September, and November each gained one day, while Februarius remained the same, although it gained one extra day every four years, to equalize the calendar somewhat. Quintilis was later renamed Iulius in honor of Julius Caesar, and Sextilis was renamed August in honor of Augustus Caesar.

Looking at the older Roman calendar, it is apparent that the number of days in a month was already irregular. This is because of some shifts that happened between the early Roman calendar and the later Roman calendar. Originally, the Roman calendar was a lunar calendar, meaning that the number of days in a month was roughly based on the moon. The time between two new moons is roughly 29.5 days, so months were either 29 or 30 days long. Those months with 29 days were considered unlucky, those with 30 were considered lucky.

The number of days in a month in the Roman tradition were not calculated quite the same as we calculate them today. Instead of counting up from one to 29 or 30, the Romans counted from the time the new moon was first spotted after sunset, and depending on the orientation and shape of that thin crescent, the number of days to the mid-point when the moon was at half full would be determined.

The first truly formal Roman calendar had already departed from a true lunar calendar, although the days were much more evenly spaced than our current calendar. The calendar had only ten months, and the number of days in a month were as follows: 31 days in Martius, 30 days in Aprilis, 31 days in Maius, 30 days in Iunius, 31 days in Quintilis, 30 days in Sextilis, 30 days in September, 31 days in October, 30 days in November, and 30 days in December. In addition, there were some 61 days during the winter that were not part of any particular month.

Things got further complicated in the late-8th century BCE, because of a Roman superstition that held even numbers to be unlucky. One of the traditional Kings of Rome, Numa Pompilius, decided to reform the calendar to make as few months as possible have even numbers of days. His first reform added two months, January and February, to the end of the calendar, and made all the months, save February, have odd numbers of days. This made the calendar roughly alternate in the number of days in a month: 31, 29, 31, 29, 31, 29, 29, 31, 29, 29, 29, 28.

A popular apocryphal legend dating from the 13th century tries to simplify the reasons behind the number of days in a month drastically. It holds that originally the Julian Calendar was regular, with month lengths alternating: 30, 29, 30, 29, 30, 29, 30, 29, 30, 29, 30, 29. The theory holds that Caesar then added one day to every month except February, to fill out the calendar. The theory further stipulates that during the reign of Augustus Caesar, August was changed to have 31 days, in order to match the length of July. This theory has ample evidence disproving it, including older irregular Roman calendars. Whatever the motivations of the ancient Romans to make their calendar irregular, it was probably not connected to the hubris of Augustus Caesar.

tradução de inglês técnico
tradução de inglês -technical english translator -
sou TRADUTOR DE INGLÊS ou para todas as áreas universitárias inglês/português - português/inglês. também espanhol/português e espanhol/inglês. Orçamento a combinar -Maiores informações ligue: (35) 9945-8512
SKYPE: celinomenezes

especialista em textos de medicina, com vários trabalhos publicados no exterior (área de parasitologia) - criptosporidium e giardia). desde 1992
além de medicina também atuo nas áreas de eletrônica, eletricidade, engenharia, etc
Atualmente estou cobrando R$4,50 (4 reais e cinquenta centavos) a página a ser traduzida do inglês para o português e R$9,50(nove reais e cinquenta centavos) do português para o inglês. Por exemplo, se vc tiver 10 páginas para traduzir (10 x R$4,50 = R$45,00) OK. Estou no mercado de traduções técnicas desde 1990 e atualmente estou atingindo a incrível marca de 20 mil páginas traduzidas. Maiores informações entre em contato comigo. Obrigado.

quarta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2009

Cartas de amor nos dias atuais? - tradutor de inglês

Hoje em dia escrever cartas e principalmente cartas de amor é uma atividade rara devido aos emails e tantas tecnologias que temos hoje de comunicação instantânea. Mas ainda é eficiente quando se quer conquistar o amor de alguém ou quer despertar seu interesse, ou mesmo reatar os laços perdidos. A comunicação deve ser direta e honesta, sem usar liguagens dificeis que já cairam em desuso. Segue o texto em inglês para vc praticar um pouco mais seu inglês.

How Do I Write a Love Letter?

With the increasing popularity of email, instant messaging, tweets, and other short bursts of communication, the act of letter writing has started to become a lost art. There are times, however, when a person needs to know how to write a love letter in order to express a much deeper emotion. Writing a love letter, especially in this day and age, often involves using an intimate and heightened writing style closer to poetry than prose. The sender should want to write a love letter which leaves a lasting impression on the recipient, or inspires the recipient to return the sentiments

When writing a love letter, it helps to be in love. This means the writer should be in an emotional state where deeper feelings and even some sense of vulnerability can be experienced first-hand. The focus should be on the recipient and only the recipient. What qualities does this person possess which the writer finds to be inspirational or intriguing? Those romantic qualities and attributes should form the framework of the love letter, going from the general to the specific. A husband may admire his wife's compassion for others, for example, then provide more personal details: "I love the way you show your compassion for others, like the time you took in that stray kitten and nursed it back to health, or when I was discouraged about life and you just held my hand and listened."

It would be difficult to write a love letter without using some heightened or romantic language, but the sentiment behind the language should still ring true and not sound artificial. "I love the way your hair shimmers in the moonlight, and the way your eyes sparkle whenever you laugh." would be perfectly acceptable in a modern love letter, but using archaic or flowery language would not be. "Your eyes are bluer than the deepest azure waves of a distant ocean, and your lips are glazed with the dew of a thousand morning glories." might work in a collection of 18th century love poems, but not necessarily in a modern love letter. It is more important to express feelings of deep emotion or high praise for the letter's recipient in the writer's own language than to recreate an Elizabeth Barrett-Browning love poem.

There may also be times when it is better to write a love letter rather than leave romantic matters unresolved. A person saying goodbye to a loved one may want to share all of the things he or she will miss about his or her significant other while away. This type of love letter should be very honest and straightforward, since it may be the last communication for a long time. Such a letter should include a few specific things the writer will remember while he or she is away, along with some positive affirmation that the relationship will survive during the time the couple must be apart. A love letter should also end on a positive note about the future, including long-term romantic hopes and aspirations.

A quality love letter doesn't necessarily need to read as a flowery or romantic correspondence to be effective, however. As long as the writer expresses his or her most honest emotions in a way the recipient should instinctively recognize and appreciate, he or she has written the perfect love letter.

tradução de inglês técnico
tradução de inglês -technical english translator -
sou TRADUTOR DE INGLÊS ou para todas as áreas universitárias inglês/português - português/inglês. também espanhol/português e espanhol/inglês. Orçamento a combinar -Maiores informações ligue: (35) 9945-8512
SKYPE: celinomenezes

especialista em textos de medicina, com vários trabalhos publicados no exterior (área de parasitologia) - criptosporidium e giardia). desde 1992
além de medicina também atuo nas áreas de eletrônica, eletricidade, engenharia, etc
Atualmente estou cobrando R$4,50 (4 reais e cinquenta centavos) a página a ser traduzida do inglês para o português e R$9,50(nove reais e cinquenta centavos) do português para o inglês. Por exemplo, se vc tiver 10 páginas para traduzir (10 x R$4,50 = R$45,00) OK. Estou no mercado de traduções técnicas desde 1990 e atualmente estou atingindo a incrível marca de 20 mil páginas traduzidas. Maiores informações entre em contato comigo. Obrigado.