Como astrônomo amador, a teoria sobre a existência de buracos negros nunca me agradou. Depois de 30 anos de controversias e teorias absurdas, muitos físicos hoje admitem que os buracos negros não existem. Boa notícia, já estamos começando a fazer progresso neste campo, porque quando os cientistas abandonam uma teoria e seguem para outra é sinal que tem a mente aberta para outras possibilidades e é assim que a ciência evolui ao longo dos séculos. Neste texto da Sciencia Now, já se admite que o fenomeno do suposto buraco negro nada mais é o que sobrou de uma estrela outrora ativa que agora possui um grande poder gravitacional mas não infinito e que agora atrai objetos ao seu redor. Algo muito mais sensato, simples e plausível de se entender. Para vc praticar seu inglês segue este excelente texto informativo.
Black Holes Don’t Exist, Say Physicists
Well-known science commentator and intelligent design foe Lawrence
Krauss has published an intriguing paper that dispenses with a major contradiction in black hole theory by arguing that black holes as commonly described cannot exist.
Black holes are presumed to possess infinitely strong gravity, a property that gives rise to a famous problem first pointed out by
Stephen Hawking in 1974. Due to random particle movements posited by quantum theory, black holes should slowly evaporate as particle-antiparticle pairs flit into existence at a point straddling the event horizon, where gravity is so strong even light can’t escape.
In Hawking’s scenario, one partner in the pair should fall into the hole, while the other should make it free, if only barely. Thus, over billions and trillions of years, the block hole should lose mass.
This predicted phenomenon, dubbed Hawking radiation, has never been observed; but it has stumped physicists for more than three decades. "How can black holes be both airtight and leaky?" asks ScienceNOW, in a report published Wednesday.
Krauss’s answer: Hawking’s riddle is a trick question. Due to the relative nature of time under Einstein’s general theory, time should stop at the event horizon. Anything that approaches, therefore, should come to a halt before it falls into the black hole, effectively preventing the black hole from forming in the first place.
What we think are black holes, says Krauss in a paper co-authored with colleagues at Case Western Reserve, could be misidentified remnants of stars possessing a tremendous — but not infinite — amount of gravity
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