domingo, 22 de novembro de 2009

Dar graças a Deus é um sentimento de profunda gratidão - tradutor de inglês

É importantíssimo darmos graças a Deus por tudo de bom que acontece na nossas vidas. Devemos agradecer pelo alimento que recebemos, pela saúde que temos, pelo dia que estamos vivendo, pela beleza das coisas belas da natureza, pelo simples canto de um pássaro, pois assim estamos agradecendo pela maravilhosa dadiva de podermos ouvir os sons ao redor, devemos todos os dias agradecer a Deus por todas as coisas, por tudo de bom que temos, dar graças a Deus significa que somos gratos por nossa vida, que aceitamos nossa condição atual, que estamos satisfeitos com tudo que temos. Agora que vc já sabe do que vamos tratar é uma boa chance de praticar seu inglês, lendo:

Giving Thanks (Dando Graças)

It had been memorable day. My wife and I had meandered through back roads, stopping at farm stands for fresh eggs, fruit and home-baked bread. The air was crisp, the sky a Wedgewood blue. The sun, filtered through drifting clouds, kissed the earth in ever-changing patterns.
A simple prayer I had learned years ago came back to me easily:

“Thank you for the world so sweet; Thank you for the food we eat;
Thank you for the birds that sing; Thank you God, for everything.

I have heard more eloquent prayers, more reverent petitions intoned in Latin and Hebrew. But I have never heard a prayer more heartfelt, more affecting.
Miss Norwich, my nursery-school teacher had taught us this prayer the day before Thanksgiving. She asked us why we thought the holiday was called Thanksgiving. The class decided it was a day to give thanks for good food and being with family.
“Give thanks to whom?” asked our teacher. So she gathered us in a circle and slowly recited the words, asking us to repeat them after her. Whenever we wanted to thank God ffor the beauty in the world, the good things we have been given, or the love of our parents and friends, she said, we could say this little rhyme.
Over the years I have recalled this verse frequently. So many people pray only when there is a crisis. But for me, prayer is a chance to tell God how much I appreciate the fragile , precious gift of life He has given us.
And as my family gathers around the dinning table this Thanksgiving, I’ll think again of Miss Norwitch’s question, and answer with the simple thank-you note to God she taught us long ago.

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