Aprender um novo idioma afeta o tamanho físico do cérebro?
Um estudo sueco descobriu que há um aumento cerebral em adultos que aprendem um novo idioma, porem a estrutura do cérebro permanece a mesma, apenas em certas partes cerebrais houve o registro deste aumento. A principal alteração foi constatada no hipocampo, estrutura responsável pela memória principalmente a que converte a memória de curto prazo em longo prazo. Outras partes do córtex cerebral, substância externa do cérebro que é chamada de massa cinzenta, pode ser afetada, dependendo do esforço despendido no aprendizado de uma nova língua. Confira o texto agora em inglês para você praticar este idioma tão importante hoje em dia.
Does Learning a New Language Affect Physical Brain Size?
Physical brain size has been found to increase in adults who learn a new language. The structure of the brain remains the same, but certain parts might increase in size after an in-depth language study, research has shown. The main change typically is to the hippocampus, the structure that is responsible for memory, particularly converting information from short-term memory to long-term memory. Other parts of the cerebral cortex, the brain's outer layer that is often called gray matter, might be affected, depending on how much effort a person has to put into learning a new language. A Swedish study found that people who learned a new language more easily had larger growth in the superior temporal gyrus, which is related to language learning. Those who struggled were more likely to experience growth of the middle frontal gyrus, which is related to motor function.
More about learning languages:
•Most human beings become fluent in their native language before they are 5 years old.
•Italian Cardinal Mezzofanti, born in 1774, was said to be fluent in as many as 72 languages.
•If someone becomes fluent in a new language after puberty, he or she likely will always speak it with an accent.
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